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Care Home Registration

This registration pathway is for businesses providing retirement or sheltered housing, or are care home offering either residential or nursing care.

To register with the Leeds Directory you must provide services in Leeds.

Care Homes

If you are provide care home services please provide your CQC location number as part of your registration. This information will allow us to link your rating with the CQC to your Leeds Directory listing.

Not sure what your location number is? Don’t worry, let us know whatever CQC reference number you have and we will help you find your CQC location number.

Completing the online form should take you around 10minutes and requires the below information:

  • An email address for us to contact you on
  • Your organisations name and address
  • Your contact information
  • A description of your organisation

If you would like to upload your business logo to the Leeds Directory website please note that the website can only accept image files which are: 

  • Format JPEG
  • File Size 20KB or less

Please note, you cannot save your application to register part-way through so please ensure you have the above details to hand before beginning the registration.

Find out how to make the most of your listing on Leeds Directory

  1. Complete our online registration by clicking the button above. If you require a paper copy of the registration form, you can download one here request one via helpline.
  2. The Content and Development Officer will get in touch with you within the next two working days to discuss your submission and finalise the listing.
  3. You will be asked to read and agree to our Terms and Conditions
  4. Your listing will then be published live on the Leeds Directory

Contact Us

We can provide support and advice by telephone, email or one to one appointment to help applicants through the registration process. Please contact the Content and Development Officer:


Telephone: 0113 378 4610

Please note, services are listed only at the discretion of the Leeds Directory.

Last updated: 6/5/2024