The Leeds Directory helps local customers looking for reliable, vetted services and tradespeople to find your services. By listing with the Leeds Directory, you are accessible to Leeds service users and can advertise the services you provide. It’s a great way to reach the Leeds community and allows you to tailor your listing to specific Leeds postcodes that are local to you.
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How to register your service
The Leeds Directory is a service that connects local tradespeople and organisations to service users who need their services. The directory is used by Leeds citizens who are vulnerable due to their age or health condition to find Service Providers that are checked and vetted tradespeople and businesses.
We welcome applications from reputable local services and trades to help us offer the best possible service for our users. So, if you’re a skilled tradesperson or reputable Leeds business, we’d like to hear from you.
Why register your business with the Leeds Directory?
Listing is free
Unlike many other trade directory websites, we offer free business listing. You don’t pay a penny to list your business on the directory and we don’t ask for a fee to connect you with individual clients. The Leeds Directory team are on hand to support you in setting up your listing.
Advertise to the Leeds Community
The Leeds Directory helps the people of Leeds continue to live independently. We put them in touch with businesses like you that provide the services they need to live well. Advertise your services to the local community, build your reputation and become a trade the community can rely on.
Recognised by customers and professionals
The Leeds Directory has been recognised as the place to go for checked and vetted services and trades for over 10 years, the service is used by health and social care professionals and not for profit organisations to connect service users to reliable tradespeople and services. We actively work with the Leeds community to promote our service and have built long-standing relationship with both the service users and the service providers that use the Leeds Directory.
Frequently Asked Questions
Listing is free. You don’t pay anything to list with us and connect with service users.
We welcome listing applications from trades and businesses providing services within Leeds. Services are listed only at the discretion of the Leeds Directory.
Organisations providing services in the home, garden or in the community on a 1:1 basis must register as a Green Tick Provider.
You can register your business online by completing the online registration form.
If you prefer paper that's fine too; all the forms are avalible to download via the individual registration pathways and you can send them in by post or email to
Alternatively you can contact the Leeds Directory team on 0113 3784610 and we can send you a full set of registration paperwork by email or in the post.
Leeds Directory has several different registration pathways depending on the type of services you offer.
If you offer trade services, such as gardening, plumbing and general building services, you should use the Tradesperson pathway.
If you offer home care/support services with 8 or more staff or a domiciliary care provider registered with the CQC you should use the Home Care pathway.
If you offer home care/support services as a sole trader or as a small locality focused service with under 8 members of staff then you should use the Community Micro Enterprise (CME) pathway.
If you offer any other kind of service, such as cleaning services, health services or advice and support, then you should use the Services And Support pathway.
If you provide retirement or sheltered housing, or are care home offering either residential or nursing care you should use the Care Home pathway.
If you organise activities and events as part of your service, you may also be interested in listing this information on our Activities Calendar. To list your activities and events you should use our Activities and Events pathway.
If you are unsure which pathway is right for you, or you would like help with your listing contact the Content and Development Officer:
- Email:
- Telephone: 0113 378 4610
After identifying which registration pathway is right for your service you can begin the application process online. The initial application will help you identify if the Green Tick applies to you and from there you will be able to complete a full application form.
Completing the online form should take you around 10minutes and requires the below information:
- An email address for us to contact you on
- Your organisations name and address
- Your contact information
- A description of your organisation
If you would like to upload your business logo to the Leeds Directory website please note that the website can only accept image files which are:
- Format JPEG
- File Size 20KB or less
Please note, you cannot save your application to register part-way through so please ensure you have the above details to hand before beginning the registration.
We aim to be in touch with you within two working days of receiving an application with a view to complete registration as soon as possible. Where the Green Tick applies registration will usually take between 4 and 6 weeks, depending on the availability of the required criteria.
To add your organisation's details, complete a registration form.
If you organisation is already listed on the Directory and you want to change some of your information you will need to search for your organisation using the “I am looking for” search box and enter the full listing details. From here you can use the Suggest a Change button.
If you are struggling to locate your listing or you would like help making the changes contact helpline for support:
- Email:
- Telephone: 0113 378 4610
Yes, you can but if you qualify for the Green Tick you may be required to supply additional criteria information or wait until you complete registration with a regulatory body such as the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
Please contact the Content and Development Officer to discuss how to get started.
- Email:
- Telephone: 0113 378 4610
Your listing is the way you communicate with potential customers through the Leeds Directory so it is important that it reflects the service you provide and that it is up to date. When building or updating your listing it is important to;
- Prioritise your first 500 characters
- Use all the fields
- Keep your listing up to date
- Encourage customers to rate and review your service
For more detail on these and other important considerations please download our guidance on making the most of your listing.
Star Ratings and Reviews let potential customers see what other customers thought of the service they have received. We encourage Green Tick providers to ask customers to rate and review their service, this helps you to build your local reputation and become a trusted trade. Customers are asked to review the service received based on the following: reliability, affordability, flexibility, accessibility and quality.
Star Ratings and Reviews can be submitted by customers online via your listing or via the Leeds Directory helpline. We also have paper copies available on request.
For more information about the Star Ratings and Review process please review our Code of Good Practice or speak to the Content and Development Officer;
- Email:
- Telephone: 0113 378 4610
Please note - We are not able to accept ratings and reviews for services that do not have a Green Tick.
Service users are able to share their experiences of organisations listed on the Leeds Directory in a number of ways. Any complaints received regarding Green Tick providers will be recorded and reviewed against the Leeds Directory Code of Good Practice. We attempt to work will all parties involved to try and reach a satisfactory outcome.
Depending on the nature of the complaint we will also signpost or support service users to take a complaint to relevant organisations and regulatory bodies, where appropriate.
We reserve the right to remove an organisation’s listing from Leeds Directory pending investigation or permanently from Leeds Directory.
An organisation can appeal against the removal of their listing by writing to:
Service Delivery Manager, Leeds Directory Team, Leeds City Council, 5th Floor East, Merrion House, 110 Merrion Centre, Leeds, LS2 8BB.
Appeals will be reviewed at our discretion.
The Leeds Directory Terms & Conditions can be viewed here. As part of the registration process you are required to read them and return a signed copy.
If your question is not covered by our FAQ or you would like more information or support please contact the Content and Development Officer. We can provide support and advice by telephone, email or one to one appointment to help applicants through the registration process.
Telephone: 0113 378 4610