West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue is the fire service for Leeds. You can find a lot of advice on how to prevent fires in and around the home.
View safety advice from West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue
West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue also offer Safe and Well checks which includes a fire risk assessment and tailored advice and interventions to help reduce the risk of fire in their property.
Find out more and arrange a Safe and Well visit
If you are a council tenant there is advice and information about how to reduce the risk of fires in your home, including advice for high rise tenants.
View fire safety advice for council tenants
If you rent through a private landlord, they have a duty to follow regulations to keep your home safe.
View fire safety advice for private renters
Smoke, heat and gas alarms
Sensors can be placed in high risk areas, such as a kitchen, to detect either smoke, a rapid rise in temperature or gas. When they are triggered, they will sound an alert do that appropriate action can be taken.
Safety and security sensors | Amazon.co.uk
These sensors can also be included in a Telecare package. As well as sounding an alarm these sensors send an alert through to a response centre so appropriate action can be taken.