If you’re over 18 and provide regular unpaid care for someone, you’re entitled to a carer’s assessment. This is a chance for you to have a conversation about how your caring responsibilities affect your wellbeing and quality of life. It is not to judge the care that you provide, but to see how we can help make your life easier.
A carers assessment can be carried out separately or can be combined with a needs assessment of the person that you care for. Before you have a carer's assessment, it's a good idea to prepare before hand.
your feelings about being a carer
if you get enough sleep and time for yourself
your health and if it is affected
how caring affects your finances and work
how your other relationships or family might be affected
any worries you may have
if the person you care for is getting enough help
After your carers assessment, you will be told whether you are eligible for support to help you care for the person you are looking after. If you are eligible, adults social care staff will help to draw up a support plan, that will be shared with you. If you’re not eligible for support, you will be given information and advice on where you can go for help.
You can ask for an assessment at any time by calling the adult social care team on:
0113 222 4401
There are different arrangements in place if you are a young carer (under the age of 18) or a parent carer (caring for someone under the age of 18)
You can ask for a Young Carers Assessment or a Parent Carers Needs Assessment by calling Children's Social Work Services on 0113 222 4403