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Falls prevention and management

Looking after your self

You can prevent falls by; 

You may increase your risk of falling if you are not drinking enough or are undernourished/not eating enough. This may cause you to feel dizzy or lightheaded.

To stay hydrated you need to aim to drink 6-8 cups of non-alcoholic fluid a day unless you have been advised otherwise by a healthcare professional.

If you are not eating enough, you could be underweight, and this leads to muscle weakness and a loss of strength. Eating a well-balanced diet, including foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, maintains a healthy weight and helps keep your bones strong. Aim to eat regular meals through the day to maintain energy.

Find out more about eating well from the NHS

There are a number of organisations which can help you eat well including:

Foodwise Leeds

Foodwise Leeds aims to create a healthy, sustainable and fair food system for everyone in Leeds. Foodwise can connect you with ideas on how to eat well to improve your health and have a positive impact on the planet. This includes information on;

  • eating for health and wellbeing
  • cooking your own food
  • reducing food waste

Find out more from Foodwise Leeds

Leeds Food Aid Network

The Leeds Food Aid Network (FAN) brings people together to help tackle food poverty effectively in the city of Leeds. FAN can connect you with information about

  • finding emergency food
  • low cost food and meals
  • advice and support around food poverty

Find out about Leeds Food Aid Network

Certain medications can make you feel faint or dizzy and affect your balance. Let your doctor or pharmacist know if you experience side effects like these after taking any medication, as they may need to check the dose or look at alternatives (Age UK, 2023)

Know your medicines: Getting the most from your medicines | Age UK

A deterioration in vision and hearing can increase your risk of falls.

It is advised to have your vision checked every 12 months, or more frequently if you notice any changes in your eyesight.

Problems with hearing can affect your balance and impact on your awareness of hazards in your environment, increasing the risk of falls. If you notice a change in your hearing, speak to your GP. If you already have hearing aids, ensure you wear them and that they are in good working order.

Find out about the Leeds Hearing and Sight Loss Service

Problems with your feet can prevent you from getting out and about and can affect your balance and increase your risk of falling. It is important to look after your feet and report any foot pain or reduced feeling in your feet to a healthcare professional.

When considering footwear, think about the size and shape of shoe. Shoes need to be the correct length for the larger foot and wide enough to accommodate the toes. Low heeled well fitting shoes are recommended.

Check your feet regularly for cracked skin, blisters, or signs of infection. Keep toenails short and regularly moisturise feet. Inform a healthcare professional if you notice any issues or concerns with your feet.

View further information on looking after your feet on Age UK

View a list of chiropodists/podiatrists on the Leeds Directory

Last updated: 6/10/2024

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