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There are a range of services and equipment available to help maintain your independence in the community. From adaptations to vehicles and mobility scooters to public and community transport there are lots of options available to you. 

Equipment can be privately purchased from a wide range of retailers both online and on the high street.  If you feel that you need further information or advice please call Adult Social Care on 0113 2224401 to make a referral.  Someone will call you back to discuss the difficulties you are having and if necessary, arrange for an assessment when equipment may be provided to you, from Leeds Equipment Service, free of charge. 

Back to the house


For many people driving is about more than just getting from A to B. Driving provides a sense of freedom, independence and security and many want to keep driving for as long as possible. Purchasing or adapting a car can be quite an expensive business to it is important that you get assessment and advice from an independent source. 

The William Merritt Disabled Living Centre offer driver assessments and advice regarding all aspects of car transport including fitness to drive, vehicle adaptations, passenger access, wheelchair accessible vehicles and wheelchair/scooter stowage. Some assessments do have a fee, but passenger/car access assessments at the centre are free. 

Driver assessments |

There are other schemes available to support you're independence as a driver.  Find out more about  services and support for drivers.