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Living room

There is a range of equipment available to help you feel comfortable in your living room. From making changes to your chairs and sofas to make them more suitable for your mobility to technology to help you stay safe and connected there are a lot of options available to you.

Equipment can be privately purchased from a wide range of retailers both online and on the high street.  If you feel that you need further information or advice please call Adult Social Care on 0113 2224401 to make a referral.  Someone will call you back to discuss the difficulties you are having and if necessary, arrange for an assessment when equipment may be provided to you, from Leeds Equipment Service, free of charge. 

Back to the house

Managing the risk of falls at home

If someone has their mobility compromised by illness, disease, or age-related factors, it can be quite common to experience a fall in the home environment. Though most falls are minor, they often cause a loss in confidence which can lead to a loss in independence. Occasionally falls can be more serious so it is wise to take steps to reduce the risk of a fall happening and have strategies in place if one does occur.

If you or someone you know has started having minor falls, it is advisable to contact your GP practice so that they can investigate if there is any medical reason behind the falls, they can also refer you to other services that can provide practical help.

Find out more about how to manage risk at home

Grab sticks

Grab sticks, also known as reachers or pick up sticks, are designed to help those who struggle to bend down or stretch and are an easy-to-control solution for all rooms of the house. They come in a range of lengths and are perfect for picking up most things from the floor or reaching heights.

Walking Sticks and Crutches

There are different types of walking sticks and crutches available. They vary in the grip, how they contact the floor and if they are to be used on a single side or both sides. They can assist in providing extra support for people who require mild to moderate assistance when walking due to mild balance problems and can generally be used both inside and outside. It is important to have any walking aid set to the correct height for the user, otherwise it can cause more instability or injury.

Zimmer frame

Zimmer frames are usually height adjustable and come in various widths. They sometimes have wheels on the front to assist people who struggle to pick the whole frame up to move it. Zimmer frames are used by people who need a lot of support when they walk and provide a very stable base for someone to hold onto when they take a step. They can have a caddy attached to them to enable the person using the frame to transport items with them. It is important to have the frame set at the correct height for the user to provide maximum support.

Wheeled trolley

Wheeled trolleys are useful for people who are struggling to transport items from one location to another, for example, a hot drink or a tray with a meal on it. This may be due to weakness in the hands or arms, or it may be that they struggle to carry something and see where they are going at the same time.

Telecare and Falls Detector

Telecare can provide 24-hour monitoring of alarms and sensors, which sends an alert to the response centre, where staff can get you the appropriate help. Falls detectors can be added to a telecare package.

If you are interested in ordering one of Leeds City Councils telecare packages you can complete an online application form or over the phone.

Leeds City Council Tele Care Team

Phone 0113 378 2991

There are also private providers of telecare alarm systems. You can find and buy these services and products online by 

Things to consider

If you are issued a walking aid by Leeds Community Equipment Service, your assessor will ensure it is the correct model set at the correct height and will ensure that you are shown how to use it safely.