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Front door

There is a range of equipment available to help you feel safe and independent at home. If parts of your current home are no longer suitable for you, there are many options available to help you stay independent and in control.

Equipment can be privately purchased from a wide range of retailers both online and on the high street.  If you feel that you need further information or advice please call Adult Social Care on 0113 2224401 to make a referral.  Someone will call you back to discuss the difficulties you are having and if necessary, arrange for an assessment when equipment may be provided to you, from Leeds Equipment Service, free of charge. 

Back to the house

Your home - options

Everyone needs different things from their home, and these needs will change over time. Rightsizing means finding a home that’s right for you now and in the future. Sometimes this can be done by making changes and adaptations to your existing home, but it may mean moving to a smaller home, or one which is all on one level, or to somewhere which is closer to family or local amenities.

There are a lot of options available to you, such as buying a new home or exploring supported living or retirement options.

Find out more about your options when it comes to finding somewhere suitable to live

Rightsizing | WY Partnership